Friday, January 28, 2011

My Digital Story !

The assignment was to gather photos/memories about a memory of something or someone in the past & tell a story. We were instructed to make a Digital Story on iMovie with effects to make it more interesting catching the viewers eye.
        My story was about my best friend Stephanie Nacho Bueno. Basically my digital story is saying how much she means to me. How she has always been there for me no matter the issue. Nacho and I have been through plenty so i chose our friendship to represent.
       I chose the images i did because we hardly take photos sense we both don't enjoy taking many. The photos I do have are from events we spent together, like Halloween, her Birthday or any days we found some what important.
       The fact that i can turn to her and talk to her about anything made it easy for me to put this together. I think its cool that she been around since the third grade and she's still here.
      My work on the Digital Story came out decent but if I took my time and worked harder it would have came out even better. I enjoyed this assignment because it allowed me to have fun with it just like the other projects. It wasn't has difficult as the others which is probably why i liked it so much. But i did have some difficult because for some reason I couldn't add my voice to the story. My experience with Digital Media was cool but again i think i could have toyed with it more making my project way awesome. In the future this type of work might help me because i might look into for college and take it up.

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