Friday, November 12, 2010

My epic fail to complete my Triptych assignment /:

   So for my Graphic computer class we was assigned to create a lyrical triptych. We were told to choose a song of our choice and make the triptych go along with song. Then go on google, pick and choose photos that would link together perfectly. For example you could create a face by taking a pair of eyes from one photo and lips from another and then adding whatever lyrics you chosen.
    I didn't have enough time to complete my triptych but the song of my choice was Rock Star from Nickleback. The first triptych that i attempted to complete was basically people outside of a club with the thought of setting better aspects in their life, living it better then they imagined. The mood that i was trying to go for was cool and kick ass, like showing what living la vida loca should be. I attempted to use a couple tools from Adobe Photoshop but i can't remember their names. One tool made it so that you could be able to tilt the object into the perfect shape or make it designed to go perfectly with the rest of the photo. Another was basically cutting and pasting what i want to m triptych. One more that i could remember was having to change the the size of the photo, having to play around with it to make it look realistic on the layout. 
      My experience in working with Adobe Photoshop this year was alright but i feel as if Im limited at doing many things mainly because of the amount of days i was not present. I like Photoshop but its not for me AT ALL. I feel as if i was highly unsuccessful in making my lyrical triptych because i wasn't into it. But i think the project rocked in my mind (: What i'd do if i was assigned this project again would be to come after school and ask questions that would make me successful or at least able to complete the project. And make sure Im present when directions are being given.  

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Check Check it out :P

My classroom was assigned to create a magazine cover about ourselves. It had to contain what one of our interest are or where ever we see ourselves doing in the future. We was to choose a logo that went perfectly with the idea of the magazine. Also set it up with a picture of ourselves and details of whatever it is you chose to be. 

In my magazine cover I decided to create myself as a bartender. The reasoning for this was because Im really interested in becoming a bartender in the future. The logo I chose was Rollingstone. I figured it suited what i wanted to be & it was a perfect image for it all. We was told that we needed to apply affects to make the magazine more realistic, make it more eye-catching. We was to add information & interesting facts on the topic. Basically make it amazing.  

My magazine cover shows me coming out of a elevator, making it seem like i was going to a secret hidden club. I think it kind of works out with what I'm trying to get across but not as well has it should. My magazine shows little images to make the club look awesome, like it's the place to be (:

My body language was kind of awkward, and i think the colors goes well with the magazine cover. I probably could have done a better job but things happen. To improve the magazine cover I feel as if i should have went about it differently, with the way i dressed, the background, my body language, and there could have been props making it easier to get the idea across. But either than that, it's decent. 

Funmilayo & i

so I'm sitting in Graphic Design class with Julie Funmilayo Bamisile (: she's one of the lamest best people in the world! She has straight hair, she's far-sighted & wears glasses, she's right handed & she can count up to 12. She also bullies Anta which i allow because Anta's a easy annoying target. (just kidding . . sometimes) Anyways Funmilayo's favorite color is blue. On the Tyra show they had someone to come in & talk about colors you wear and what it defines. It mentioned if a person is wearing blue they're boring, mind you Funmilayo is wearing blue today, BORING ASS PERSON. But she sits next to me every time we get into third period so i have to deal with it . . Well hope you enjoyed getting to know my Funmilayo, bye :D